Disability Insurance - The Financial Cavalry

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Protecting Your Income From Disability

A woman in yellow shirt using laptop on table.

If you have ever fallen off of a ladder or slipped on an icy step. If you have ever overworked your back until it hurt, or become so ill that you were admitted to the hospital, then you know that all of these are painful, but fortunately, they are all temporary health changes that take just a little bit of time to recover from.

But when this change happened to your health, what happened to your bills? They kept coming, didn’t they? 

Every day we face the risk that we are one accident, a slip, one diagnosis away from suffering a disabling event and having our income and lifestyles disrupted possibly forever.

If we are lucky it is only temporary, but sometimes it’s permanent.

Many of us are breadwinners in our household, we are the boss at the company we built, we are single parents, we are the sole income earner for our growing family. We are the contractors, the managers, the dentists, and the optometrists that get up every day and make it happen.

How would this happening to you affect your bills?        Would they keep coming even if you couldn’t go to work? 

Cavalry understands the true value of one’s ability to earn an income. It is one of your greatest assets and for most of us, it provides our lifestyle and deserves to be protected.

For clients that prefer the peace of mind in knowing that a significant part of their income is stable and steady whether they are at work or at home recovering, we offer income protection with Disability insurance.

A man writing on paper next to a table.
A woman holding a baby and looking at a laptop.
A dentist is working on the teeth of a patient.
A close up of an eye exam machine

Disability insurance guarantees that a portion of your income will still be available in the event that an illness, disease, or injury takes you away from work.

The way disability insurance (DI) works, is it is designed to replace a piece of your regular income, typically up to 80% depending on occupation class.

Typically DI coverage covers your ability to perform occupational duties, not necessarily your own. What this means is if you were a roofer prior to the disability, but you can return to work, say on a computer for instance, then   

Why you would like disability income protection before you’re sick or injured?

Apply while you’re healthy. You get the foremost favorable terms by buying individual disability income insurance before you would like it. Once you’re too sick or injured to figure you always can’t get the protection you would like .

  • Lock in pricing. Once you’ve got your non-cancellable and guaranteed renewable policy, the quantity you pay monthly is guaranteed, and therefore the insurance firm can never cancel your coverage as long as you create your payments on time.
  • Secure coverage while on the trail to your career. If you’re studying to become knowledgeable like a doctor, dentist, or a lawyer, you’ll apply for insurance before you graduate, with options to extend coverage as your income grows.
  • Customize your coverage. you’ll select options to customize your protection. These options can allow you to increase coverage as your income grows and help keep step with the value of living.