SMA - The Financial Cavalry

Often the busiest members of society, HNW clients usually don’t have much time or interest in managing allocations across multiple different accounts.

Efficiency is the name of the game and Cavalry is committed to helping our clients take care of their investment needs and delivering the peace of mind that your transactions will be executed and managed to your specifications.

To streamline the account management process we offer qualified clients with a minimum $250,000 in account assets access to (SMA) Separately Managed Accounts through the Envestnet wealth management platform.

A light bulb with coins inside of it on top of a table.
A black background with the word invest written in blue letters.
Buy, Sell, Hold options of a businessman

An SMA is a single account typically managed by your advisor or a third-party asset manager, who manages your allocations for you.  Adhering to a specific investment strategy selected by you the client.

SMAs are suitable investment products for clients who want a direct investment portfolio without having to spend time selecting, managing, and monitoring their portfolios  – as both the investment management and account administration are handled by professionals. International SMAs enable clients to have direct access to international equities without the complexities and costs of managing international trading, custody and currencies.

Benefits of (SMA) Separately Managed Account

Diversified Strategies

Active Management

Streamlined Trading

Tax      Efficiency

Rapid Execution

Complete Transparency